Monday, 12 July 2010

The not so womanly things in me

This is a tag that I'm picking up and here it goes:

1) I do not visit the beauty parlour. Infact, I've visited the parlour only for my wedding.

2) I wonder how people use lipsticks, eyelines, mascaras, day in and day out. I dont have a wee bit interest in them. I dont wear high heels. Dont own more than 2 pairs of sandals at a time.

3) I'm a casual dresser. I dont concenterate too much on what I wear or how I look.

4) I have driven a vehicle (TVS50 to be excat) with 4 people in the pillion seat.

5)I was the official grocery buyer, provision buyer, etc.Have not eneterd kitchen before marriage.

6) Have travelled alone, in buses whose name boards I couldnt read, in buses where I was the only female travelling, boarded and travelled in a train from Delhi to my native without a ticket!!

7) I cringe to take money from Hd. I would rather not buy anything for myself if I cannot afford it, than using his money in indulging for the same.

8) I dont use handbags. Have always used wallets meant to be used by men. Dont own womanly purses.

9) Get angry very often (i think traditionally, its the privilege of men to get bouts of anger every now and then).

10) I have a loud voice,i should make conscious effort to speak softly or should be admist starngers so that the vocal chords dont open up too much.

11) During my childhood, have been adamant to wear pattu pavadai and my parents (dad especially) have cajoled me very hard to make me accept to wear the long skirt. Have preferred boyish dresses during primary years. And now, (4 kazhutha vayasu ana appuram), I yearn to wear pattu pavadai, half skirt for which I'm too old now.

12) I'm not a compulsive shopper, and cant retain interest in shopping for more than an hour or max two.

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