Thursday, 20 May 2010

It pricks, it haunts..

Yes, everytime someone passes on some shloka, asking my mom to go look out for some horoscope reader, go to some temples, do this and do that, it hurts, it pricks a, it haunts, it sends in a tremor in me..even when I'm placating myself that everything is happening for good, and God will bless me with a child and I need to just put all my burdens on Him and just Trust Him, when people around comment /talk/suggest,it becomes natural for me to get into a depressive mood, to doubt, to ask if I will be blessed, to have a rough conversation with God as to why cant he open his eyes, what sims did i do to go through all this, why cant he forgive my sins ..

I'm quite happy that many in the blogsphere are going to be second time mommy's and I long to join their club.

There is a tag that I want to do myself: 30 thinsg to do before 30, but for now I would like to start with 5 thinsg to do before i turn 30:
1) Become a mother
2) Juggle work , home and kids with the right attitude and maturity
3) Become an expert cook who can cook deliciously (me thinks I already cook healthy food, so not specifically including it here) for kid, husband, mil , parents and sis
4) Mould myself and not worry too much about future, live in the present and enjoy the present.
5) Indulge myself in some materialistic stuff (which I havent done so far !)

Anyone is willing to take up this tag , rather re-do this tag again and check if theire opinions/preferences have changed with time.

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