Monday, 14 September 2009

Here's to new, happy beginnings

Forgot to mention about HSG , the procedure and the results. here it goes:
The day dawned with loads of prayers(with Vralakshmi vratham the previous day, I wore saree to SIL's place and to houses in the layout.), trepidation, with huge optimism, recollection of how to calm down myself, visualising how I got to behave during the procedure, telling myself over and over again that after all its no pain at all(I've very less tolerance for pain, there I said it.! But, I've come a long way last 4 years..), reassuring myself that everything will go on well, visualising the end result that I would've cooperated with the doctors and the result will also turn out to be perfectly normal. Months of preparation and prayers have gone into this. I woke upa nd lived and still living with teh strong beleif that the Good Lord will not let me down. Since I wasnt supposed to eat anything for 3 hours before the procedure, woke up at 6:30 on a saturday morning (very unusual for me) to ahve a cup of milk and corn flakes.Went to ebd again to relax myself and do all the above mentioned above, only to wake up at 8, have a quick shower, do the preparation (for which later i got scoldings from the doctors), take all reports, files and paraphernalia required, pray in the altar, namaskaram to mil and fil, praying to fil that he is the one who is supposed to protect me, and the onus is on him to protect his dil and his grandchild.Mil asked us to leave before 9 , so we left around 8:45-8:50 and reached there by 9:05.

Since BH hadnt had anything in the morning, I suggested that we got first to the canteen in the hospital ,get some breakfast for BH, while I can take some time to relax and prepare (what else?) before teh procedure. The day, the queue was pretty long, so BH insisted that we leave teh canteen because it would get late, but I was staunch that he needs to have breakfast, that way i can steal some time. So, we had breakfast, i was pei-aranjified all the while, and at around 9:25, when we reached the specified departmentw here the procedure will be done and as soon as BH gave my name and the sheet to the nurse, in no time, the sheet was given to the Doctor and my name was called. Everyone from the nurse till the Doctor read ,re-read what was written at the back of the appointment sheet "Patient uncooperative and hence procedure was not done" This was the report I received when I went for the test sometime during the 1st/2nd week of May 09. After they read this, the "real" treatment started. The first question the nurse asked was "What are your plans for today(this time)?". I was like..What the ....But, me being the submissive me and in that state of fear and anxiety, I meekly replied " I will co-operate and want to get it done this time". The Dr also became stern after this, I was taken into the procedure room. I was not told the procedure details because the nurse said I was well aware of the details from the last visit. I just kept my mouth shut. On the way to the hospital, just before nearing the hospital, the song "Barsore..Megha .." from the movie Guru was being played in the FM. So, this song was getting on and on being played in my mind too..I consciously wanted to relax, so I kept thinking about God, about how difficult life is, prayed God that not even my enemy should be put into such trauma..In between, the nurse started asking questions..where do u stay and next comes the main important question "How long have you been married". WHat are the previous cases of pregnancy etc.Now, our society hasnt changed at all..What if the nurse speaks good english and looks hip in her trouser and tops, the questions and the expression that come from her are nothing but similar to the one that a nurse who helped my mom deliver before quarter century is the same.

The doctor came, and scolded me for not preparing properly. The doctors introduced themselves saying that they have done more than 100 HSG's. Now , during the course of the procedure, one Dr started asking questions as to how to do it, and whether what she has done is correct. That she thought XYZ was the procedure and now she comes to know that XZY is the correct oen. Listening to all this, the nurse comments "What Dr, have u forgotten?" and now, the Drs start talking about their new ring or some otther goldy stuff which she said was gifted by her mil, for which the other Dr and nurse comment something else which didnt stay in my memory. And here i'm lying flat, wriggling in pain, and wailing "Amma, Amma, Appa, Appa". The Dr's push off to another room telling that they have some confusion and they need to lok into a different TV to check if the dye is flowing properly. In between all this, one of the Drs utters some fund regaring muscle etc, and when I asked them multiple times if everything was fine, they kept on repeating that they need to consult a senior Dr to get the final word. And asked me not to move or shake my legs. And I'm still lying horizontal with my legs starting to cramp and stomach already fixed in cramped state. Then, finally one of the Drs comes in and asks the nurse to get the tube removed and let me go. I was asked to come in the evening to collect the reports and when asked if the report looks normal, they said things were fine , but still come in the evening to collect the reprts. So, this is how I got my HSG done. Thanks to the Almighty. Thanks to Mom ,dada, mil, BH and very special thanks to my lovely sis who was much much confident than anyone else that things will fall in place and the result will eb normal. She was the one whao stood by me, gave me mental/moral support, gave me the courage to face this test.
And for record, I got this done on 1st of Aug 09. Here's to new beginnings. We went in the evening to collect the report, consulted the Dr the following week to get her verdict who declared that my tube is normal and I can go in for a normal pregnancy and said, wished and hoped(and prayed) that we are blessed with our bundle of joy sooner.Cheers.

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